10 Things Only Boxer Dog Owners Understand

looking for an excellent watchdog with a little bit of sense of humor and plenty of affection then boxer might be your next friend boxers were originally created for the purpose of being guard dogs today they are mostly found at homes as household pets however as part of the akc's working group these dogs are expected to have a high level of energy which means that they will need plenty of exercise every day hello there and welcome to animal insider today we're going to know more about the energetic easy to groom and friendly boxers if you're new to our channel make sure to subscribe for your daily dose of dog related contents so without further ado let's begin today's video 1. boxers are infamous for their chewbacca growl perhaps most boxer owners if not all have heard this distinct growl that only a boxer can do it's not an aggressive bark or a whiny sound but a common boxer thing surely they are doing it because they're trying to tell you something and it's your job to figure out what it is sometimes it's important but most of the time it's not so although we don't understand their language it's important to always spend time with them as soon as you get home either play with them make sure that they have enough food and water and just give them lots of love even if you provide them with their daily needs you may still hear their chewbacca growl if they want your attention or for no reason two boxers need strong owners boxers are loyal easy going and sometimes silly however you may also find them to be stubborn especially during training sessions because of this they need someone who is strong but not harsh this means that the owner should be firm consistent and patient with the training instead of harsh punishments positive reinforcement techniques should be used this includes food rewards play time and praises boxers should know that you're the head of the household otherwise they will not hesitate to take the role of the leader this can be a problem especially because they are muscular and big once they fully mature therefore training should start while they're still young let them explore different sounds sites environments and meet new people and animals this way they won't act recklessly when faced with unfamiliar situations training should not be extremely hard since they are intelligent and eager to please but because of their tendency to be stubborn keep training short and sweet 3. boxers are excellent family dogs kind gentle and affectionate a well-trained boxer is a great family companion somehow boxers know how fragile children and elders are so they tend to be extra careful around them they may play with children but they'll treat elders with respect of course it is still important to supervise any interaction between dogs and children in order to avoid trouble that may occur it's just as important that children are taught how to properly play and handle dogs let them know the limitation of fun and play and that ear and tail pulling should never be done 4. a boxer's gas is something you need to watch out for if a foul smelling gas is big deal for you then you should reconsider having this breed boxers are notable for their loud smelly gas in fact some boxers are actually scared of their own farts it can be embarrassing if you have visitors but at least you have someone to point fingers at 5. boxers can be lap dogs it may not seem like it but boxers actually seek your attention you may think they might be too big to be a lap dog but these dogs actually love sitting on your lap while giving you wet kisses if you don't fancy this kind of behavior which i highly doubt you can teach them what and what not to do while they're still young don't worry even if you teach them not to stay in your lap they will still happily follow you everywhere in the house just that they will stay in the floor instead of whenever you rest on the couch six boxers need plenty of your time since boxers are dependent on their humans they tend to easily develop separation anxiety this means that they should not be left alone for long periods of time otherwise they will be lonely and bored which can result in depression and anxiety in addition they may also develop destructive behaviors such as chewing excessive barking and digging if you're busy but would still want to keep a boxer make sure that you have another family member who is always available to keep your dog accompanied as mentioned these dogs will do well even to elders provided that their daily exercise needs are met 7. boxers are easy to groom with their short coat you may probably think that boxers don't shed you're mistaken boxers shed all year round however unlike other dog breeds they're not seasonal sheds which means that they do not blow their coats twice a year the good thing is because they have short hair boxers do not tend to formats and tangles this makes grooming easier they just need to be brushed weekly to keep their coat in its best condition bathing should only be done when necessary such as when they get really dirty although they are easy to groom you may still expect some fur sticking onto your clothes furniture sofa and other items in your home 8. boxers make great deterrence to intruders most often people think that all large dogs are aggressive while there are dog breeds who seem to be dominant aggression is not normal and should be seen as the owner's fault for not training their dog properly when it comes to boxers these dogs are not seen as aggressive in fact they tend to be calm and laid back however because of their intimidating appearance boxers make a good deterrent to intruders thus making her home safer and more secured however there's a huge difference between a watchdog and a guard dog boxers are not the best guard dogs they may be loyal and vigilant but they don't have the protective instinct like those of a doberman or a rottweiler despite not being overly protective boxers like all dogs can turn out to be uncontrollable when not trained properly this can cause them trouble especially because they're strong dogs therefore make sure that your dog is properly trained as mentioned earlier this breed can easily learn if trained using positive reinforcement techniques 9. boxers are loving to their family beneath the boxer's muscular tough body is a heart that is soft as a teddy bear around their humans these dogs are loving and affectionate aside from being excellent police dogs boxers are excellent family dogs for the right home they are very patient which makes them suitable for homes with children not only will they play with kids but they will also shower them with love and protection 10. boxers are prone to certain health issues boxers are generally seen as healthy dogs but like all other dog breeds they can be prone to certain health issues some health issues you need to watch out for include aortic stenosis a heart disease that can instantly cause death but if detected early can be controlled by medication cancer lymphatic cancer is the most common for boxers but they're also prone to mammary thyroid brain and spleen cancer hypothyroidism gastrointestinal conditions or bloat which can be fatal for dogs if not addressed early hip dysplasia degenerative myelopathy a neurological disease which affects the spinal cord that may cause the dog to be unable to walk and eye diseases to ensure that your dog is healthy make sure that he gets checked by the veterinarian regularly and that wraps up our video for today about the strong yet fun-loving boxers if you enjoyed today's content and find it helpful please like share and subscribe also don't forget to click the notification bell button so you won't miss any of our future videos once again this is animal insider thank you for watching 
